A boundary or property survey determines the location of property lines and the monuments that mark the property corners of a parcel of land as described in a deed. The land surveyor performing a boundary survey will examine the deed for the property and possibly neighboring deeds.
Deeds are normally located in the county courthouse. The land surveyor may also talk with the owner and/or neighbors to get information they have regarding the location of a boundary line. The field work begins by locating all available monuments.
A full boundary survey is also commonly known as a “mortgage survey” or “loan survey” because it is the most common residential survey and meets the requirements for most mortgage companies.
When is a boundary survey necessary?
- A boundary survey can determine if there are any easements for utilities (water, sewer, electric, gas, etc.) on your property.
- A boundary survey identifies any encroachments (driveways, fences, buildings, etc.) on the property or crossing any of your boundary lines.
- A boundary survey and drawing provide you the exact property line measurements and locations of all structures (houses, barns, etc.), fences, or driveways related to those property boundary lines.
- Completing a boundary survey can provide markings along your property lines which allow you to put up a fence on your property line in the correct location so that you don’t encroach on another property.
- A boundary survey is the first step in being able to subdivide your property to divide it among family members.
- A boundary survey should be done to make sure the building you’re constructing is properly placed on the lot, and not encroaching on any easement lines.
Often to settle property disputes or clarify boundaries prior to building, clients may only need a property line staking or a survey to mark property corners.
Feel free to contact our Survey Department and they will assist you in selecting the correct survey for your needs.