Municipal Engineering Services
BFA can assist your community with all aspects of your municipal projects. Municipalities often deal with multi-faceted perspectives and viewpoints from numerous stakeholders. We understand the working relationship the client must have with its government, businesses and citizens and we work diligently to nurture a strong relationship between BFA and all involved parties. This relationship enables us to provide proactive, responsive and cost-effective services.

Local Public Agency (LPA)
BFA is on MoDOT’s Approved Consultant Financial Pre-Qualification List and is listed on the LPA Program “On-Call” Consultants List for roads, trails, and construction management projects.
BFA can assist your community with all aspects of your municipal projects. We have associates with the required “LPA Basic Training” certification from the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) that gives us the experience to deliver all of your projects’ requirements:
- Grant applications
- Cost estimates for grant applications
- Assistance to the LPA in preparing Engineering Services Contracts
- Assistance to the LPA in obtaining Section 106 documentation and other environmental clearances
- Corp of Engineers permitting and approvals
- Department of Fish and Wildlife reviews and clearance
- Department of Conservation reviews
- Land Surveying – Topographical, Boundary, and Right-of-Way Surveys
- Civil Site Design
- Stormwater and Floodplain Hydraulic and Hydrologic calculations and models
- Development of signed and sealed plans and project specifications
- Bidding assistance
- Project pre-construction meetings
- Project monitoring and inspections
- Maintaining MoDOT required pay items and daily log diaries
- Project close-out and as-built documentation
BFA’s LPA and MoDOT Administered Grant Project Experience Includes the Following Project Types:
- Asphalt overlay projects
- “Transportation Alternative Program” (TAP) – formerly “Safe Routes to School”
- On System Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Program (BRM)
- Surface Transportation Program Bridge Replacements
BFA’s LPA project experience covers all aspects of the project cycle, from grant application submittal to construction final close-out.

Sidewalks & Trails (ADA)
Whether providing a relaxing walk through a recreational park, or direct access to your favorite restaurant or shopping center, the design of sidewalks and trails adds an essential element to the user experience of the pedestrians and travelers that use them.
Sidewalk & Trail Services:
- Concrete & Asphalt Trails & Sidewalks
- ADA Compliant Designs for Developments (parking & access routes)
- Local Public Agency Safe Routes to Schools Projects
- Municipal Park & Trail Developments (including bridges)
Stormwater Management involves design as well as inspection and enforcement activities for MS4 permitted communities.

Municipally Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
Stormwater Management entails design, inspection, and enforcement activities for MS4 permitted communities. These communities must regulate and enforce stormwater laws within their jurisdiction or face possible sanction from State or Federal Authorities.
MS4 Services:
- Stormwater Review of Proposed Development Plans
- Inspection of Permitted Construction Sites
- Inspections of Long Term (permanent) Water Quality Best Management Practices (BMPs)
BFA has extensive experience in Distribution Center and Industrial Development.

Drainage & Stormwater Management
BFA has provided stormwater design for hundreds of projects in its 55+ years in business. We have been at the forefront of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase I and Phase II compliance as it pertains to construction site runoff control, post-construction runoff control, and land disturbance permits, since Phase I regulations were promulgated in the early 1990s. We work with Municipally Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and non-MS4 communities nationwide to gain permit approvals and develop Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) that meet their requirements.
BFA stands ready to satisfy the needs of commercial, industrial, municipal, and private clients. We excel at developing solutions that garner stakeholder opinions and collaborate to include consideration of all design interests.
Erosion & Sediment Control Plans & Design
BFA is dedicated to providing professional erosion and sedimentation control for all our projects. We developed SWPPPs and obtained permit coverage for projects in over 15 states. Our project teams are adept at contacting the proper local and state authorities and ensuring our projects meet their requirements.
We also maintain an active part in our community’s Professional Organizations. Our company continues to present at conferences and workshops as an expert in Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and in the inspection of permitted construction sites.
- Preparation of SWPPPs
- Inspection of Construction Sites
- Permitting Assistance
Stormwater & Design Calculations
The Professionals at BFA completely understand Stormwater Management. From designing a parking lot or road without areas of ponding water, to creating stormwater runoff studies to meet local jurisdictional permit requirements. We can put together the plan and information to keep your project moving forward. Our Stormwater Technicians and Engineers are familiar with many types of software and calculations to generate the reports and information needed to design your site properly. We use the appropriate combination of software applications and experience to get the answers we need to design the project and secure approvals.
BFA’s qualified staff can perform construction site Erosion and Sediment Control Inspections and Post Construction Inspections for Detention, Retention, Sediment Basins, and other Stormwater Infrastructures.
Presentations & Training
BFA has experienced speakers and has developed presentations to provide a cost-effective solution for your education and training needs. These sessions include general MS4 and Clean Water Act education, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) development, Construction Site Inspections, Constructing Bio-Features to improve Water Quality and to treat runoff, and others.
Additional Stormwater Services:
- Storm Sewer Design
- Stormwater Detention, Retention & Infiltration Design
- Planning, Design & Installation of Stormwater and Detention Systems for Public & Private Projects
- MS4 Stormwater Management & Phase II Compliance
- Stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) Sustainable Design
- Hydrologic/Hydraulic Studies for Site-Specific, Local & Regional Stormwater Projects
- System Analysis & Plan Review
- Stream Relocations
- Stream Enclosures
- Pond, Lake, & Dam Design
- Dam Monitoring
- Floodplain Management
- FEMA LOMA (Letter of Map Amendment) Applications
- Flood Elevation Certificates
BFA has long been involved in the planning and preparation of hydrologic/hydraulic studies for stormwater projects and systems.